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This Electronic Gulden and Tether convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 27, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Electronic Gulden. Use "Swap currencies" to make Tether the default currency. Click on Tethers or Electronic Guldens to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Electronic Gulden is the currency in no countries. The Tether is the currency in no countries. The symbol for EFL can be written EFL. The symbol for USDT can be written USDT. The exchange rate for the Electronic Gulden was last updated on December 4, 2019 from The exchange rate for the Tether was last updated on May 26, 2024 from The EFL conversion factor has 12 significant digits. The USDT conversion factor has 15 significant digits.

10.000 0.639
20.000 1.278
50.000 3.194
100.000 6.388
200.000 12.775
500.000 31.938
1000.000 63.876
2000.000 127.752
5000.000 319.381
10,000.000 638.762
20,000.000 1277.525
50,000.000 3193.812
100,000.000 6387.623
200,000.000 12,775.246
500,000.000 31,938.116
1,000,000.000 63,876.231
2,000,000.000 127,752.463
EFL rate
December 4, 2019
1.000 15.655
2.000 31.311
5.000 78.276
10.000 156.553
20.000 313.106
50.000 782.764
100.000 1565.528
200.000 3131.055
500.000 7827.638
1000.000 15,655.275
2000.000 31,310.551
5000.000 78,276.377
10,000.000 156,552.755
20,000.000 313,105.510
50,000.000 782,763.775
100,000.000 1,565,527.549
200,000.000 3,131,055.099
USDT rate
May 26, 2024

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