The Suriname Guilder (SRG) is obsolete. It was replaced with the Suriname Dollar (SRD) on January 1, 2004.
One SRD is equivalent to 1000 SRG.

Suriname Dollar (SRD) and Stratis (STRAT) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

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This Suriname Guilder and Stratis convertor is up to date with exchange rates from February 27, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Suriname Guilder. Use "Swap currencies" to make Stratis the default currency. Click on Stratises or Suriname Guilders to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Suriname Guilder is the currency in Suriname (SR, SUR). The Stratis is the currency in no countries. The Suriname Guilder is also known as the Suriname Gulden. The symbol for STRAT can be written STRAT. The exchange rate for the Suriname Guilder was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The exchange rate for the Stratis was last updated on November 17, 2020 from The SRG conversion factor has 5 significant digits. The STRAT conversion factor has 14 significant digits.

20,000 1.16193
50,000 2.90481
100,000 5.80963
200,000 11.61926
500,000 29.04814
1,000,000 58.09628
2,000,000 116.19256
5,000,000 290.48140
10,000,000 580.96281
20,000,000 1161.92561
50,000,000 2904.81403
100,000,000 5809.62806
200,000,000 11,619.25612
500,000,000 29,048.14029
1,000,000,000 58,096.28058
2,000,000,000 116,192.56117
5,000,000,000 290,481.40292
SRG rate
May 3, 2023
2.00000 34,425
5.00000 86,065
10.00000 172,130
20.00000 344,255
50.00000 860,640
100.00000 1,721,280
200.00000 3,442,560
500.00000 8,606,405
1000.00000 17,212,805
2000.00000 34,425,610
5000.00000 86,064,030
10,000.00000 172,128,060
20,000.00000 344,256,120
50,000.00000 860,640,295
100,000.00000 1,721,280,590
200,000.00000 3,442,561,175
500,000.00000 8,606,402,940
STRAT rate
November 17, 2020

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